• Step 1

    Sign up to your free online account: enter email and a new password.

  • Step 2

    Download and install the best phone tracker app from online account.

  • Step 3

    Monitor all recorded data and recorded calls in your online account.

You must agree to Sign Up.

WhatsApp Spy Functions:


You can use WhatsApp Spy to always know the location of the android device on which you have installed it. Furthermore, the energy efficient algorithms of this program prevent GPS function from draining the device’s battery too quickly.

Call Recording

WhatsApp Spy records all phone calls including contact information and the duration of the call. All this information is then sent to your online account


Even on an unrooted device, WhatsApp Spy will be hidden from the user, unless they know what to look for

Monitoring SMS, Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp messages

All messages, pictures, videos, and audio files that were sent through the device will be recorded by the app even if the user tries to delete them

Monitor 5 devices

A single account can monitor up to 5 android devices including phones and tablets

Front Camera Photos

Every time the phone is unlocked a picture will be made and sent to the Reports section of your account

Internet activity

Everything that the user does online will be monitored, even if they attempt to use Incognito mode on their browser

Changing SIM Card

Every time a user changes their SIM card,a notification will be sent to your online account

whatsapp spy - calls

For parents

Even though a mobile device is a great tool to keep in touch with your kids, many parents are still hesitant about presenting their child/children with a smartphone.

The upside is that a mobile phone is an irreplaceable tool for contacting your kid whenever you need to. The downside, however, is that a smartphone can also distract your child from schoolwork and even pose a threat to your child’s safety. Before WhatsApp Spy and other android keyloggers were invented, there was no way to combat these threats, which made parents wary of giving their kids such devices.

Thankfully, now everything has changed, and you can prevent your kid from playing video games during school hours or sharing their personal information with strangers, endangering themselves and their family.

whatsapp spy - track messages

For Employers

Parents are not the only ones who will greatly benefit from using a WhatsApp spy program.

It can be a daunting task to watch over employees, especially if there are a great number of staff members at your company. Almost any employee will slack off whenever they feel like they can get away with it. No one likes to work hard especially if there is no one watching over your shoulder.

WhatsApp Spy is an app that will keep your employees on their toes throughout all working hours. It is a great motivation to work harder when you know that your every action is being monitored and compared to other employees. As long as you don’t impose crazy rules on your employees, everyone will be happy (except for slackers and freeloaders) with you installing this app on everyone’s corporate mobile devices.

Free download

If you were hoping to find a free whatsapp spy by googling “track whatsapp” or “track whatsapp messages” then you’ve found what you were looking for.

WhatsApp Spy is one of the most advanced apps which you can download for free. Even though this program is free, you’ll be able to use all of its great features including a “hidden” mode and call recording.

Once you start using WhatsApp Spy, you’ll find that it will completely change your life. And when it’s time to prolong your account, you’ll gladly do so at a moment’s notice.

How to install WhatsApp Spy

Free mobile tracker. Sign up free.